Point of view

The power to transform

February 14, 2024

Our ability to transform ourselves lies in combining a solid foundation with a capacity to embrace innovation and change as positive drivers.

What a joy it is to see our historic alternative printing solutions business - ARMOR Print Solutions - reinventing itself as it does. Its transformation, of which the new name, ALTKIN, is the most visible symbol, is the fruit of a profound process of reflection on the meaning that this ARMOR GROUP company wants to (ap)port to the world. In addition to its commitment to fair solutions that break free from technological and financial constraints, while providing a resolute response to environmental concerns, ALTKIN wants to play the role of a real game-changer by promoting its model of "fair printing", which is fairer and more ecological, in the printing sector.

Our Group is also continuing to evolve by supporting the development of ARMOR SMART FILMS, our brand new subsidiary dedicated to the production of intelligent films. It's a perfect example of successful diversification, since this activity draws on our longstanding expertise in formulation and coating for meaningful innovations, for example in sectors linked to new, renewable and sustainable energies, such as the hydrogen sector.

Our ability to transform ourselves lies in combining a solid foundation with a capacity to embrace innovation and change as positive drivers. Our conviction: industry is one of the sectors most in need of transformation, because it is a formidable creator of value. We cannot ask less of the industrial sector - on the contrary. We are transforming ourselves because we aspire to be the European spearhead of impact industry, working for positive social and environmental impact. And we will continue to do so!

Hubert de Boisredon, Chairman and CEO of ARMOR GROUP

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